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The Impact Investing Podcast

Sep 30, 2015

In this episode I talk with Tom Dawkins, who is a serial social entrepreneur and the Australian co-founder of StartSomeGood. He previously founded award-winning Australia non-profit Vibewire and was the first Social Media Director at Ashoka. He has worked with numerous non-profits, associations and government entities to help them tell their stories and build community. He’s founded a film festival, opened Australia’s first co-working space and set-up a Burning Man Theme Camp with his wife Kate.

Tom is one of the most impressive and effective social entrepreneurs out there. If you are looking for inspiration to help you launch your own social venture, this is the podcast for you! You'll also here Tom's origin story, how StartSomeGood got started, and Tom's personal tips and strategies for successfully funding of your own crowdfunding campaign. 

Tom can be found on Twitter @tomjd

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